31, 37, 43, 43, 45
текстовый блок добавляет сверху и снизу по 5 px, поэтому например расстояние между полосами внутри блока будет 80 px, а между блоками уже 70. по этой причине высота отбивки между фото и текстовым блоком 75.
высота меряется между низом буквы и верхом без хвостов
высота кнопки: 41, 44, 48
толщина полосок кнопки: 3, 3, 4
шрифт: 18
между кнопками: 50

шрифт: 17
между кнопками: 45
ширина поля: 300, 385, 420, 900, 1200
30, 36, 42, 95, 120
текстовый блок добавляет сверху и снизу по 5 px, поэтому например расстояние между полосами внутри блока будет 80 px, а между блоками уже 70. по этой причине высота отбивки между фото и текстовым блоком 75.
высота меряется между низом буквы и верхом без хвостов


Р 300, 440, 580
!!! высота большого: 35, 45, 48
большой шрифт: 45, 64, 68
ширина мигалки: 20, 28, 30
малый шрифт: 16, 16, 17
между полосами: 35+2, 45+2, 48
между строчками: 1.9, 1.9, 1,9
между краем и заголовком: 41-1(высота кнопки), 44-1, 48-1
Р 900, 1200
!!! высота большого: 48, 52
большой шрифт: 68, 73
ширина мигалки: 30, 33
малый шрифт: 17, 18
между строчками: 1.9, 2
между краем и заголовком: 40, 74(от края мигалки до заголовка ширина буквы)
ширина поля: 300, 440, 580, 900, 1200
65, 85, 90, 90, 115
текстовый блок добавляет сверху и снизу по 5 px, поэтому например расстояние между полосами внутри блока будет 80 px, а между блоками уже 70. по этой причине высота отбивки между фото и текстовым блоком 75.
высота меряется между низом буквы и верхом без хвостов

Greetings! My name is Ivan Voznyak, I work as a partner / contractor in the role of art-director and brand-designer for brand identity / naming projects.

I develop structurally and functionally thought-out, conceptual graphic systems that communicate with the target audience in a relevant and understandable language.
A comprehensive boutique approach, focusing on the depth of brand development, detailed analytics and orientation on the real viability of the brand are a priority.

Since 2016, I have been successfully developing projects for many countries and industries.

My name is Ivan Voznyak, I work as a partner / contractor in the role
of art-director and brand-designer for brand identity / naming projects.

I develop structurally and functionally thought-out, conceptual graphic systems that communicate with the target audience in a relevant
and understandable language. A comprehensive boutique approach, focusing on the depth of brand development, detailed analytics
and orientation on the real viability of the brand are a priority.

Since 2016, I have been successfully developing brand projects for many countries and industries.

My name is Ivan Voznyak, I work
as a partner / contractor in the role
of art-director and brand-designer for brand identity / naming projects.

I develop structurally and functional thought-out, conceptual graphic systems that communicate with the target audience in a relevant voice.

A comprehensive boutique approach, focusing on the depth
of brand development, detailed analytics and orientation on the real viability of the brand are a priority.

Since 2016, I have been successfully developing projects for many countries and industries.

I develop structurally and functionally thought-out, conceptual graphic systems that communicate with the target audience
in a relevant and understandable language.

A comprehensive boutique approach, focusing on the depth of brand development, detailed analytics and orientation on the real viability of the brand are a priority.

Since 2016, I have been successfully developing projects for many countries and industries.

I develop structurally and functionally thought-out, conceptual graphic systems that communicate with the target audience in a relevant language.

A comprehensive boutique approach, focusing on the depth of brand development, detailed analytics and orientation on the real viability are a priority.

Since 2016, I have been successfully developing projects for many countries and industries. I have successful participation in festivals and publication
in international design publications behind me.

22 2022 - Publication of 5 projects in the international print edition "Designerbooks"

2022 - Publication of the project in the online edition "Designrush" in the nomination: "Best lux branding"

2020 - Bronze award at the festival of new design "Wednesday" in the nomination:
"Illustration and photography in identity"

2020 - 2 shortlists at the festival of new design "Wednesday" in the nominations:
"New Identity", "Illustration in identity"

2020 - Shortlist (TOP 5) at the G8 Festival
in the nomination: "Illustration in identity"

2020 - 4 longlists at the G8 Festival
in the nominations: "Identity", "Illustration"

2019 - Publication in the printed international design publication: "Sandu Publishing"

2017 - Shortlist at the Wednesday Festival
in the nomination: "Rebranding of identity"

2017 - 2 publications in printed versions of international design publications:
"BrandMagazine", "Sandu Publishing"

2017 - 3 shortlists for the "Fakestival" in the nominations: "Best work for fictional brands", "Best work for alcohol and rock 'n' Roll", "Best identity"

2016 - Diploma of the Union of Designers of Russia
at the Golden Flea Trademark Festival

2015 - Golden website in the nomination "The best website created on Wix"

2014 - Winner of the commercial advertising poster contest from Nvidia

2013 - Winner of the State Social Poster Contest

2022 - Publication of 5 projects
in the international print edition "Designerbooks"

2022 - Publication of the project
in the online edition "Designrush"
in the nomination: "Best branding"

2020 - Bronze award at the festival of new design "Wednesday" in the nomination: "Illustration in identity"

2020 - 2 shortlists at the festival of new design "Wednesday"
in the nominations: "New identity", "Illustration in identity"

2020 - shortlist (TOP 5) at the festival "G8" in the nomination: "Illustration in identity"

2020 - 4 longlists at the festival "G8" in nominations:
"Identity", "Illustration"

2019 - Publication in the printed international design publication: "Sandu Publishing"

2017 - shortlist at the festival "Wednesday" in the nomination:
"Rebranding of identity"

2017 - 2 publications in printed versions of international design publications: "BrandMagazine",
"Sandu Publishing"

2017 - 3 shortlists for "Fakestival"
in the nominations: "Best work
for fictional brands", "Best work for rock 'n' Roll", "Best identity"

2016 - Diploma of the Union of Designers of Russia at the
Golden Flea Trademark Festival

2015 - Golden website
in the nomination "The best website created on Wix"

2014 - Winner of the commercial advertising poster competition
from Nvidia

2013 - Winner of the State Social Poster Contest

2022 - Publication of 5 projects in the international print edition "Designerbooks"

2022 - Publication of the project in the online edition "Designrush" in the nomination:
"Best luxury branding examples"

2020 - Bronze award at the festival of new design "Wednesday" in the nomination:
"Illustration and photography in identity"

2020 - 2 shortlists at the festival of new design "Wednesday" in the nominations:
"New Identity", "Illustration in identity"

2020 - Shortlist (TOP 5) at the G8 Festival in the nomination: "Illustration in identity"

2020 - 4 longlists at the G8 Festival in the nominations: "Identity", "Illustration"

2019 - Publication in the printed international design publication: "Sandu Publishing"

2017 - shortlist at the festival "Wednesday" in the nomination: "Rebranding of identity"

2017 - 2 publications in printed versions of international design publications:
"BrandMagazine", "Sandu Publishing"

2017 - 3 shortlists for the "Fakestival" in the nominations: "Best work for fictional brands",
"Best work for alcohol, cigarettes and rock 'n' Roll", "Best identity"

2016 - Diploma of the Union of Designers of Russia at the Golden Flea Trademark Festival

2015 - Golden website in the nomination "The best website created on Wix"

2014 - Winner of the advertising poster contest from Nvidia

2013 - Winner of the State Social Poster Contest

2022 - Publication of 5 projects in the international print edition "Designerbooks"

2022 - Publication of the project in the online edition "Designrush"
in the nomination: "Best luxury branding examples"

2020 - Bronze award at the festival of new design "Wednesday"
in the nomination: "Illustration and photography in identity"

2020 - 2 shortlists at the festival of new design "Wednesday"
in the nominations: "New identity", "Illustration in identity"

2020 - Shortlist (TOP 5) at the festival "G8" in the nomination: "Illustration in identity"

2020 - 4 longlists at the festival "G8" in nominations:
"Identity", "Illustration"

2019 - Publication in the printed international design publication: "Sandu Publishing"

2017 - shortlist at the festival "Wednesday" in the nomination: "Rebranding of identity"

2017 - 2 publications in printed versions of international design publications: "BrandMagazine", "Sandu Publishing"

2017 - 3 shortlists for the "Fakestival" in the nominations:
"Best work for fictional brands", "Best work for alcohol, cigarettes and rock 'n' Roll", "Best identity"

2016 - Diploma of the Union of Designers of Russia
at the Golden Flea Trademark Festival

2015 - Golden website in the nomination "Best website on Wix"

2014 - Winner of the commercial poster contest from Nvidia

2013 - Winner of the State Social poster contest

2022 - Publication of 5 projects in the international print edition "Designerbooks"

2022 - Publication of the project in the online edition "Designrush"
in the nomination: "Best luxury branding examples"

2020 - Bronze award at the festival of new design "Wednesday"
in the nomination: "Illustration and photography in identity"

2020 - 2 shortlists at the festival of new design "Wednesday"
in the nominations: "New identity", "Illustration in identity"

2020 - shortlist (TOP 5) at the festival "G8" in the nomination: "Illustration in identity"

2020 - 4 longlists at the festival "G8" in nominations:
"Identity", "Illustration"

2019 - Publication in the printed international design publication: "Sandu Publishing"

2017 - shortlist at the festival "Wednesday" in the nomination:
"Rebranding of identity"

2017 - 2 publications in printed versions of international
design publications: "BrandMagazine", "Sandu Publishing"

2017 - 3 shortlists for the "Fakestival" in the nominations:
"Best work for fictional brands", "Best work for alcohol and rock 'n' Roll", "Best identity"

2016 - Diploma of the Union of Designers of Russia at
the Golden Flea Trademark Festival

2015 - Golden website in the nomination "The best website on Wix"

2014 - Winner of the poster activity for "Nvidia"

2013 - Winner of the Social Poster Contest

малый шрифт: 16
средний шрифт: 32
между строчками: 1.9
между полосами: 130
фото: 290
ширина поля: 300, 440, 580, 900, 1200


My name is Ivan Voznyak, I work as a partner
and contractor in the role of art-director
and brand-designer for brand identity / naming.

My name is Ivan Voznyak, I work
as a partner / contractor in the role of art-director and brand-designer for brand identity / naming.

70, 90, 95, 95, 120
текстовый блок добавляет сверху и снизу по 5 px, поэтому например расстояние между полосами внутри блока будет 80 px, а между блоками уже 70. по этой причине высота отбивки между фото и текстовым блоком 75.
высота меряется между низом буквы и верхом без хвостов
© Est. 2014: AG
© Est. 2014: Artgeneracia
Р 420
шрифт кнопок: 17
шрифт копирайта: 15
между строчками: 21
между столбцами: 46
между полосами: 46
Р 900, 1200
шрифт кнопок: 17, 18
шрифт копирайта: 15, 18
между строчками: 22, 23
между столбцами: 45, 50
между левым и средним блоком: 95, 120
Р 300
шрифт кнопок: 16
шрифт копирайта: 14
между строчками: 21
между полосами: 40+2 и 80
между столбцами: 35
© AG
ширина поля: 300, 384, 420, 900, 1200
37, 95, 100, 100, 125
текстовый блок добавляет сверху и снизу по 5 px, поэтому например расстояние между полосами внутри блока будет 80 px, а между блоками уже 70. по этой причине высота отбивки между фото и текстовым блоком 75.
высота меряется между низом буквы и верхом без хвостов